2005 mp (print)

Poets in the Pond:
Gaylord Brewer
Reid Bush
David Cazden
George Chieffet
Rebecca Clark
K.R. Copeland
Robert Cooperman
Tony Cosier
Kelly Madigan Erlandson
Michael Estabrook
Matthew Frank
Suzanne Frischkorn
Kelsie Gray
Carol Hamilton
Patrick Hicks
Aaron W. Hillman
Katharyn Howd Machan
Virginia Hutchison
Jen Hyde
M.J. Iuppa
Nancy Tripp King
Carol Parris Krauss
Ann Neuser Lederer
Lyn Lifshin
Fred Longworth
Beatrice O’Brien
Eileen Malone
Frank Matagrano
Jessica McMichael
Elaine Mott
B.Z. Niditch
Hans Ostrom
J.M. Phillips
Christine Potter
Zack Ragow
Michael Salcman
Robert Schechter
Barbara Shepherd
Heather Turbeville
Amy Unsworth
Chris Waters
Patricia Wellingham-Jones
Lori Williams
Review by:
David Cazden

Loella Cady Lamphier
Prize for Poetry

Judge: Julie Damerell

Contest Winners
$250 - 1st Place
“In Brierfield Park”
by Virginia Hutchinson

$100 - 2nd Place
"As September Turns"
by Katharyn Howd Machan

$50 - 3rd Place
“I Sing You”
by Eileen Malone


        • “Crows Over a Wheat Field”  Virginia Hutchinson
        •  “ Afternoon Years,”  Barry Ballard
        •  “Maples Splitting,”  Barry Ballard
        •  “The Cupboard,” Virginia Hutchinson
        •  “Consider the Cold in Watchful Darkness,” Katharyn Howd Machan
        •  “To a Poet,” Virginia Hutchinson
        •  “The Moment," Virginia Hutchinson
        •  “The First Candle,” Barry Ballard
        •  “In the Wild,” Mary Langer Thomspon
        •  “E-mail from Tuscany,”  Katharyn Howd Machan