Reader's Choice
Readers! Nominate your favorite poet appearing in the 2004 issue
of miller's pond. The winning poet will have a poem published in
the 2005 issue of mp, receive a handsome certificate suitable for
framing, and receive $25. Those eligible for nomination are all poets
who appeared in the 2004 - except the current Reader's Choice Award winner
and the Featured Poet. Vote for your favorite poet in the 2004 issue
by sending a postcard with your name, address, and e-mail (if applicable),
along with the name of your choice for Reader's Choice Award to:
Reader's Choice Award
% H&H Press
RR 2, Box 239
Middlebury Center, PA 16935
OR - you can vote on-line by going HERE.
Please vote only once.
Votes will be accepted until Nov. 1, 2004.
fee: $6/3 poems
Contest issue of miller's pond for every $12 in submissions (6 poems).
unpublished poems, 40 lines or less
to celebrate the life of a loved one or mentor. Any style, must
be typed.
and first line of poem
on 3x5 index card accompanying each poem.
not put name, address, or copyright on entry.
Oct.. 1, 2004 (postmarked)
Entries will not be returned.
The following are optional:
Include a self-addressed, stamped
postcard for confirmation your entries were received.
Include a self-addressed,
stamped envelope for the list of winners.
1st place - $100
and publication in miller's pond
2nd place - $50
and pubilcation in miller's pond
3rd place - $25
and publication in miller's pond
10 honorable mentions
- publication on the miller's pond web site.
Mail to:
LCL Prize for Poetry
RR 2, Box 239,
Middlebury Center,
PA. 16935
LCL 2005
Poetry Contest Judge
Past Judges:
2004 - Nancy Breen
2003 - Vivian Shipley
2002 - Philip Memmer
2001 - Colette Inez
From The Writer's Little Instruction Book
by Paul Raymond Martin
Writer's Word Press, 1998
Only $8.95 - Order from Amazon.com