Reader's Choice
Readers! Nominate your favorite poet appearing in the 2004 issue
of miller's pond. The winning poet will have a poem published in
the 2005 issue of mp, receive a handsome certificate suitable for
framing, and receive $25. Those eligible for nomination are all poets
who appeared in the 2004 - except the current Reader's Choice Award winner
and the Featured Poet. Vote for your favorite poet in the 2004 issue
by sending a postcard with your name, address, and e-mail (if applicable),
along with the name of your choice for Reader's Choice Award to:
Reader's Choice Award
% H&H Press
RR 2, Box 239
Middlebury Center, PA 16935
OR - you can vote on-line below. Please vote only once.
Votes will be accepted until Nov. 1.
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Choice Award
Carol W. Bachofner
Barry Ballard
Gaylord Brewer
Melanie Cameron
R.T. Castleberry
Tony Cosier
Kay Day
Annalynn Hammon
M.J. Iuppa
Ann Iverson
Patricia Wellingham Jones
Ward Kelley
Kathy Keith
Carol Parris Krauss
Joanne Lowery
Stephen Mead
Dorothy Doyle Mienko
Steve Myers
Beatrice O’Brien
Robert Parham
Rae Pater
Simon Perchik
Stephanie Rogers
Barbara Shepherd
Cheryl Snell
Dana Sonnenschein
Richard Williams
Chris Young
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