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Reader's Choice Award
Readers!  Nominate your favorite poet appearing in the 2004 issue of miller's pond.  The winning poet will have a poem published in the 2005 issue of mp,  receive a handsome certificate suitable for framing, and receive $25.  Those eligible for nomination are all poets who appeared in the 2004 - except the current Reader's Choice Award winner and the Featured Poet.  Vote for your favorite poet in the 2004 issue by sending a postcard with your name, address, and e-mail (if applicable), along with the name of your choice for Reader's Choice Award to:
Reader's Choice Award
% H&H Press
RR 2, Box 239
Middlebury Center, PA 16935

OR - you can vote on-line HERE.  Please vote only once. 
Votes will be accepted until Nov. 1, 2004.


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