miller's pond
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Your job, as the writer, is to make it as easy as possible for the editor to read (and hopefully like) your work.  Whether you write poetry, fiction or nonfiction, you will increase your chances of getting your work published by following a few simple rules:

1. Prepare your work in standard format. 

  • Use a common font such as Courier, Times New Roman, or Arial
  • Use a font size no greater than 12 pt. and no smaller than 10 pt. 
  • Margins should be set at no less than 1 inch top, bottom, and both sides. 
  • Fiction and nonfiction should always be double spaced, poetry may be single spaced. 
  • If you use a typewriter, make sure the ribbon is NEW and the keys are CLEAN.  Faded ink and clogged letters make it harder for an editor to read, and if it is too hard to read, chances are it won't get read. 
  • Do not hand-write anything anywhere on your submissions. 
  • Put your name, address, phone number, e-mail address on your cover letter, as well as the first page of your submission (if the submission is poetry, the name, address, etc. should be on every poem page). 

2. Always use 20 lb. bond WHITE paper.  Colored, onion, or vellum paper is harder to read, and therefore, easier to reject. 

3. Never submit more than the maximum number of pages/word count specified in the publication's guidelines.  Some editors (miller's pond, included) will reject submissions automatically if there are more submissions in the packet, or the submissions are longer than what the guidelines specify.  It is easier to reject a large batch right away rather than to read through dozens of pages that may have one small gem.  There are hundreds of writers who are willing to send submissions according to guideline specifications and editors respect those who follow the guidelines.

4. Include a brief bio.  The editors (and publication's readers) are interested in your writing credentials - not whether or not you have a mad passion for bowling (unless it is pertinent to your submission).  By including a bio, you save your editor time in waiting for you to send one, in the event your work is accepted. Rarely, if ever, do editors accept or reject a poem based on the poet's bio/credentials.

5.  Always provide an SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope)
- or, at the very least, an SASP (self-addressed stamped postcard).
This will enable the editor to contact you concerning your submission.  Editors typically receive far too many submissions to be able to pay for additional postage if the writer needs to be contacted.  Even if the editor likes your work enough to accept it, chances are it won't be if an SASE isn't included.

6. Always include adequate postage for return.  Apply enough postage to include an acceptance letter and possibly one or two additional pages (like a contract or bio form) or rejection letter.  If the postage is due to go up less than four to six months from when you mailed your submission, put EXTRA postage on the SASE or SASP.

7. Before submitting any work to an editor for consideration, read the Guidelines thoroughly AND read a copy of the magazine.  Guidelines for miller's pond can be found by clicking on the button below.


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